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Some Works of Art
Some Works of Art

The Triptych and the Sacred Thorn. The Triptych was stolen during the Sack of Rome, together with a casket containing five thorns from Christ's crown. A storm at sea made the pillager change his mind, and he promised to return the painting and the relics in exchange for his safety. When the ship arrived in the bay of Cagliari, the soldier returned the sacred objects to the prior of the convent of the Augustinians, who immediately informed the Bishop of Cagliari. After having ascertained their authenticity, Pope Clement VII was informed. He donated the Triptych and one of the Sacred Thorns to the Cathedral of Cagliari, on condition that they would be exposed to the veneration of the faithful every year on the 15th August, the feast of the Assumption.

The triptych is currently preserved in the Diocesan Museum.

The Tabernacle. It is made from embossed and delicately engraved silver. It has an architectural structure subdivided into three orders and surmounted by a dome with a small lantern. Manufactured in Palermo in 1610, it was restored in 2005 and stands in the centre of the chapel of the Most Holy Sacrament.

The Paliotto. This work, that was created in Madrid and dated 1655, was conceived to be the completion of the Tabernacle above. It is made in silver and subdivided into two orders with images of St Lucifer, St Cecilia and St Saturnine, as well as other saints linked to the history and devotion of Cagliari. The Paliotto can now be seen in the Diocesan Museum.

The Lantern. Created in 1602 by the silversmith Giovanni Mameli from Cagliari. It is located in the Aragonese chapel of the Most Holy Sacrament. The lantern, in octagonal section, is entirely in silver and is in Baroque style.

